Babysitting Forms

Babysitting Forms

On this page, are a number of babysitting forms. There are many
ways to communicate the same information, so choose any or all.
Feel free to download, customize to your needs, share and print
these forms.

Please also use Facebook link to right share the forms with friends
and family.

Babysitter Checklist

Babysitter checklist contains your contact information, emergency
information, and your child’s information. Update with your personal
information and print.

Medical Release Form

Having a Medical Release Form will help ensure your child receives
appropriate medical treatment in the case that you are unavailable
to give permission in person.

Emergency Calling Procedure

Dialing 911 is the first step. What to say and what to do is
next is just as important. Update your family’s call procedures,
post them and practice.

Babysitter Journal

This forms gives your babysitter one place to record what happened
while you were away. Space is available for messages, food issues,
medicine, and sleep times.

Food Allergy Action Plan

Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) has created a Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan which can be used, at home, school, or daycare
settings. It also includes a one page instruction sheet for EpiPen, Auvi-Q
and Adrenaclick use.

Category: Child-allergies

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